
Is Any Relatively Permanent Change In Behavior Brought About By Experience Or Practice.


Behaviorist Perspective - whatsoever relatively

permanent change in behavior brought

about by experience or practice

Cognitive Perspective - makes relatively

permanent changes in the style we

stand for things mentally

--- (Behaviorist Perspective)

ane. Classical Conditioning - reflex response

to a stimulus

By Ivan Pavlov, Russian

Physiologist who discovered

classical conditioning through thursdayeastward

digestion in dogs.

a. Stimulus - requires a response or


b. Reflexes - automatic response to a


ELEMENTS OF C.Conditioning

i. UCS or Unconditioned Stimulus -

involuntary response

ii. UCR or Unconditioned Response -


3. CS or Conditioned stimulus - paired with


4. CR or Conditioned Response - learned


*They conditioned the dog to await food

every time he hears the metronome.

Therefore, the UCS is the audio of the

metronome and the UCR is the nutrient that

causes salivation*

*After conditioning, the metronome becomes a

CS and the salivation becomes a CR*

Other examples:

1. Rabbit, loud noise and startle

2. Squealing brakes, car crash and racing


Concepts of C. Workout

1. Extinction Recovery - stimulus loses the

ability to evoke a response

2. Spontaneous Recovery - the effect of the

stimuli is back

3. Generalization - respond to a stimulus

that is simply like to the CS with the CR

four. Bigotry - ability to differentiate

the stimulus to other UCS

5. College Order Conditioning - strong CS is

paired with a neutral stimulus (NS) until

NS comes a second CS.

*The dog salivates when he sees the food, only

then, he was conditioned to believe that the

audio of the metronome equates to food.

Therefore, the metronome becomes a second

CS that causes him to salivates.*

6. Taste Aversion - links bad feel to

what you are eating

vii. "Little Albert" - lear fear/phobia


1. Counter Conditioning - uses a positive

stimuli while using the negative stimuli

to make it pleasant.

*Everytime he touches a spider, he gets an ice


2. Flooding - ALL AT ONCE

*If she is scared of snakes, lock her up in a

room full of snakes*

iii. Systematic Desensitization - Stride by Step.

*If he is scared of heights, you lot bring him to

the second floor today then third floor

tomorrow.. And and so on."

--- (Behaviorist Perspective)

two. Operant Conditioning - learning of voluntary

behavior through the effects of pleasant and

unpleasant consequences to responses

Edward Thorndike'south law of issue -

learning is "stamped in"

BF Skinner - learning depends on

what happens after the response

a. Reinforcement - increases the

probability that the response volition occur

over again


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